Thursday, September 11, 2014

Valeriana tuberosa

Valeriana tuberosa
Tuberous valerian
Valériane tubéreuse

Native to the Mediterranean
Flower extracts were used as perfume in the 16th century
Valerian root is used to make herbal medicine to treat insomnia and anxiety
Genus name comes from Latin valere, meaning to be strong and healthy
Leaves are aromatic when bruised;  radical leaves are entire, oval; stem leaves are deeply cut into 5 -9 elongated segments

Flowers are arranged in small, terminal heads; blooms April - June
“Red Valerian” is a different species: Centranthus ruber

In Situ, Lacoste, 5.17.13
Flower stalk 5.17.13

Bloom 5.17.13


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